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I'm a trial lawyer. period.

So if you believe in me.

And I believe in you.

Then I believe we can win.

Based in Los Angeles and Practicing Nationwide



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Welcome to JONES LAW, the Law Office of Terrence Jones,

a Southern California based law firm focused on trial work,

high-stakes civil litigation, and criminal defense.  I’m Terrence,

and I’m here to help in whatever way I can.  


But fair warning:  I’m a different kind of lawyer. 


I don’t always do things the way “they say” they’re supposed to

be done.  Because, who are “they” and how do we know they’re right? 

And I don’t always do things the way they’ve “always been done.” 

Because, who says what’s always been done is the best thing for us

right now?


That doesn’t make me contrarian.  It makes me confident. 

And creative.  Both, qualities you want in the lawyer representing you. 


I’m certainly humble enough to follow the rules and respect great

leadership.  But I’m also courageous enough to challenge authority

be it the government, the police, an employer, or anyone else. 


That’s how I live my life and that’s how I practice law.

HUMBLE. Yet ferocious.
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respectful. But relentless.

I’m also different because I am a trial lawyer.  That means I’m not

the kind of attorney that sits at a desk for months pushing paper

back and forth until it’s time to try to reach a settlement

agreement.  I’m the kind of lawyer that walks into courtroom,

stands in front of a jury—a group of everyday people that holds

your fate in their hands—and convinces them why we’re right and

the other side is wrong. 


To me, that’s real lawyering


Real lawyering also means doing what’s right, not just what’s

profitable.  The difference between right and wrong is, of course,

a value I learned from my parents.  But working on legal cases in a

way that’s fair and just is a principle I learned having started

my career with the Department of Justice.  As an Assistant U.S.

Attorney and federal prosecutor, my goal wasn’t to win at all costs,

but to see that justice was done.  That meant that if something

or someone was in the wrong—even if it was the government

itself—my job was to make it right.  And I was relentless about it. 


That remains my guiding principle in the law:  Do the right thing.


So if you've been seriously injured, wrongfully terminated,

wrongfully accused, or hurt or abused in some other way,

perhaps I'm the lawyer for you.  Let's talk and see how we can

make it right. 

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    (213) 863-4490

    6737 Bright Avenue, Suite B6
    Whittier, California 90601

    Serving the Entire State of California
    and Practicing Nationwide


    Questions?  Please use the form below to

    contact us via email.  Or, send a message

    directly to [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE  The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm, or any individual member of the firm, does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

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